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La Belle Assemblee

Regency Waistlines Part Three 1820-1830

Empire waists epitomized Regency England, but change was underway when the Prince Regent finally took the throne as King George IV in 1820. The broader Regency era  would last until his death in 1830, and the ten years of his rule would witness some of the most dramatic shifts in the history of women's fashion. Regency Waistlines Part Three 1820-1830 The 1820s was a decade of transition that would sweep away the Empire waist and neo-classical styles women had been wearing since the late 1790s. It did not happen overnight. 1820 was a [...]

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Outsiders Within – Romani in the Regency

By the time 'Gypsies' appeared on the pages of Jane Austen, Sir Walter Scott and Maria Edgeworth, Romani people had been in England for centuries. Sidebar: Believing the copper-skinned migrants to hail from Egypt, the Europeans had coined the term "Gypsies" for these migrants. Some consider [...]

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