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Ices at Gunters

If you were a celebrity wedding planner in 1812, you might want your wedding ices made by Gunter's Tea Shop. A foodie destination from the mid 1700s, Gunter's made a range of ice creams and confectionery that would rock a dessert aficionado's world today let alone at a time when no one had fridges, or even electricity. The public must have found the idea of an ice cream sundae astonishing. Obviously such luxury did not come cheaply. Trade card for then Pot and Pineapple Known initially as The Pot and Pineapple, Gunter's was established [...]

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Outsiders Within – Romani in the Regency

By the time 'Gypsies' appeared on the pages of Jane Austen, Sir Walter Scott and Maria Edgeworth, Romani people had been in England for centuries. Sidebar: Believing the copper-skinned migrants to hail from Egypt, the Europeans had coined the term "Gypsies" for these migrants. Some consider [...]

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