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Regency Skincare

Natural Beauty

Natural Beauty - the Regency Aesthetic As the 19th century dawned, no one wanted to look like Marie Antoinette. In a backlash against the powder, patch and paint of the decadent 1800s, the Regency beauty ideal for women of the privileged classes was natural.  Unless you were married, the smallest hint of rouge was tantamount to declaring yourself a fallen woman. But the change in aesthetic was not only a matter of taste. With the gruesome excesses of the French Revolution fresh in everyone’s minds, the English upper classes worried that they, too, could [...]

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Outsiders Within – Romani in the Regency

By the time 'Gypsies' appeared on the pages of Jane Austen, Sir Walter Scott and Maria Edgeworth, Romani people had been in England for centuries. Sidebar: Believing the copper-skinned migrants to hail from Egypt, the Europeans had coined the term "Gypsies" for these migrants. Some consider [...]

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